quarta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2019

Theory of Love - Things I didn't like.

5 things I didn’t like about Theory of Love (the show)

  • Earth and White’s storyline was disrespectful.

They were great, the chemistry was there, and that was all we got? Really?

  •        The Wild gang lost their Wildness.

Srsly, those were THE popular guys at Uni, they went through girls like nothing. Complete man sluts…in the NOVEL. Not on the show. Nothing really wild about them.

  •        Bone’s story was boring and meaningless. What else can I say? It was pointless.

  •        Khai’s accident whole plot was NOT good enough. He recovered in like...days. Come on. When we see him in the hospital after the accident, he looked fine. I mean…what?

  •        I hated that Third had nothing that gave him his own personality. He dressed like Gun, his hairstyle? Gun’s. Don’t get me wrong, Gun is my Absolute favorite Thai actor, by far. Still, I was there to see Third, not Gun. How does Third dress? How does he walk? How is his hair? I DON’T KNOW.

That’s it, 5 things I didn’t like about Theory of Love. I still liked the show very much, but, to be fair, I tend to like everything that has Gun…except Secret Seven… (sorry)

segunda-feira, 19 de agosto de 2019

Theory of Love; book x series

It's finished, the tv show concluded and I want to compare the series to the book.

 Important to note is that I love the book. Love it. It's one of my favorites BL books, so I knew it was going to be hard for me to separate the book from the series and give the series a fair judgement. I was right. It was hard. I could NOT stop comparing them, and the series usually lost.

It's hard to adapt a book, everybody knows that, there are so many details in books that don't translate well to video; and TOL has a lot of inner dialogues, it is a first person narrative afterall, so, yeah...hard.

There were many moments in the book that were adapted to the series that I flat out didn't like, NOT MANY, but there were some, for example, the moment Bone and Third have their "I'm sorry I hurt you." scene at the movie theater. In the book it's very touching, and also showed their friendship and how much Bone cares for Third. In the series it was nowhere near as important nor touching.

Another problem I had with the series was the pacing, IT WAS TOO FAST! Things would happen so fast we could barely breathe. I do understand, the director (P'Cent) had 12 episodes only, the book is quite large, so... what can he do, right? That's GMMTV's fault, they should have made the series longer... or.... P'Cent could have given the secondary characters less screen time (?)... I don't know how they could have fixed this problem, but it was a problem, I mean, Khai's accident was dramatic, but it ended up not serious at all, he was completly recovered in 1 episode. Come on!!!! I was frustrated.

The 1 thing I really DID NOT LIKE AT ALL was Bone's storyline. Thanks, but I hated.

Khai was not as funny as he should have been. I know "funny" is complicated, what I find funny you may find boring and vice versa, so....yeah, I thought Khai was super funny while reading the book, his thoughts are just the best, he's a simple direct kinda dumb guy, I loved him after 1 page of his point of view. On the show he gave glimpses of his humor, but very little, mostly at the end.

Now, it may seem I didn't like the show LOL I did, I really did, not as much as the book, and there were some things I didn't care for, but some things I loved:

I loved the cast.
I was worried I wasn't going to like White, but he won me over, he was the trusted friend I wanted to see. Mike was wasted with that boring storyline with the teacher that went NOWHERE, but he was good. Off I also feel was wasted a bit, as I already said I wish to have seen more humour in him, and also, I'm sorry, but sometimes he seemed a little stiff and uncomfortable when delivering more sensitive, sweet lines. Don't get me wrong, I love Off. But I noticed.

Gun...Gun was as usual, great acting, every emotion he needs to show, he does it perfectly. It's kinda scary... lol... HOWEVER....I did have a problem with Third/Gun: Their styles were the same. No change in hair, clothing and styling. Like, wtf? I love Gun, but he is an actor, he was not supposed to be GUN he is supposed to be someone else, Third, someone who styles the hair diferently, who wears different clothes, maybe tight clothes, maybe artsy clothes, I DON'T KNOW, and I'll never know now, because someone didn't care enough to think about these things. I was honestly dissapointed by that. I do like Gun's fashion style, but I wanted to see Third's style.

Moving on...

I loved how my "favorite scenes" were adapted, Third finding out Khai and Bone were testing him, Khai's accident, and the whole "train station" storyline. I loved all of them, mostly because the acting was so good. I cry in all of the scenes. AGAIN.

The ending was great, but that Samsung post scene took me out of the mood a little bit. I wished they had put the scene with them looking at the graduation pictures before the Live on Youtube, and ended there.

I'd give the show an overall rate of 8 out of 10.
But I'd give Off x Gun chemistry a 9 out of 10.
The acting in general? 9/'0.
And I'd give Gun in particular a 10/10.

Oh, and some people are excited to see a season 2 focused on White and Earth, I'd watch that for sure. :)

quinta-feira, 2 de maio de 2019

Killing Stalking - O FIM


Que montanha russa. Essa série que eu tanto amei, tanto analisei e tanto apoiei, acabou. THE END. E aí? Valeu a pena?

Sim....valeu, pelo conjunto de toda a obra. Valeu pelo final super satisfatório? Não.

Não achei o final satisfatório. Fiquei com gostinho de....é isso?

Nós que acompanhamos a série sabemos dos problemas que ela teve, financeiros com a Lezhim, e o maior de todos, a saúde física e mental da autora. Essa questão da autora é que, eu acredito, tenha sido o maior problema que tivemos. Capítulos saindo atrasados, hiatos, hiatos e mais atrasos, mas, nós entendemos a Koogi, essas coisas são assim mesmo, ela é uma pessoa frágil , era de se esperar. Explica....mas eu não sei se justifica.

É obvio que a Koogi correu para terminar os últimos capítulos, o que na minha opinião não só atrapalhou na história, como na arte (quantos pannels repetitivos E SEM NECESSIDADE!!!), não sei com 100% de certeza se a razão dessa pressa foi a saúde e vontade dela de concluir logo ou vontade de se livrar da Lezhim o mais rápido possível. Independente do motivo eu acho que merecíamos mais.

Nós, fãs, merecíamos mais e os personagens que ela criou mereciam mais. 

Sangwoo merecia mais do que ser morto por um estranho, por mais que ele fosse um serial killer muito perturbado, nós nos importávamos com ele, nós o vimos como uma criança inocente, o vimos ser corrompido pela família desestruturada e uma mãe doente (e doentia), o vimos ter momentos de fraqueza e sentimentalidade, nós vimos ele passar por muitas atribulações, para ver um estranho o matar, assim, sem mais nem menos. PUFF!!! Sangwoo está morto. Não pelas mãos do seu pulícia, não pelas mãos do Bum, mas a porcaria de um estranho. Jura?

O que falar do final do Bum? Por toda a vida ele foi fraco, sem vontade própria, usado e abusado, sem voz e sem pulso, o MÍNIMO, era que pelo menos na morte ele tivesse tido seu momento de força. Que mostrasse ele decidindo tirar a própria vida, com a mente clara, decidido e firme, mas NÃO. Um "acidente".Jura?

Deu pra perceber que eu não curti muito as decisões da Koogi, né? Pode até parecer que eu detestei, mas não, foi um final razoável, chorei igual criança (Sangwoo chamando o Bum no hospital foi demais pro meu coração), só acho que esses personagens mereciam mais respeito pelo desenvolvimento que eles tiveram até aqui. Só isso.

É possível que tenha sido assim de propósito? Claro, deixar esses personagens terem o fim mais solitário e sem sentido possível. Mas eu não acredito nisso. Não acredito pela qualidade dos últimos capítulos. A queda na qualidade me diz que ela não escreveu o final como ela escreveu de propósito, mas pq fez "nas coxas" (em bom brasileirês), fez de qualquer jeito para concluir e é isso que me doeu.

Admito que doeu. Mas foi o que foi, é isso. Acabou.   

Se alguma vez eu retornar a essa série, só irei reler as 2 primeiras temporadas, que eu amo de paixão....aí escrevo minha própria fanfic com o final que eu bem desejar e pronto. :)
